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Mountains in Clouds

EYEfi Cloud

Powering innovative monitoring solutions for smarter, cleaner and safer communities

The ultimate platform for EYEfi's next generation of spatial technologies, smart sensors, and connected devices.


EYEfi combines all of our customers' remote monitoring needs in one place, through the use of EYEfi Cloud's capability plugins:

Automated Incident Management

Bushfire Detection and Monitoring

EYEfi Cloud Connect

Smart Waste

Smart Drains

How it works

EYEfi Cloud

Combine all of your remote monitoring needs in the one platform, for intelligence gathering and situational awareness, from fixed, mobile, airborne and wearable technologies.


EYEfi Cloud's capability plug-in's help manage assets, infrastructure and incidents.

Smart Drain

This plug-in capability monitors water levels in roadside pits and stormwater drains, to warn response crews before flooding occurs. The networked smart sensors, Cloud technology and software, monitor drains in real-time to provide alerts for rising water; saving operational crews' time and helping them  prevent drains flooding. 

Smart Waste

This plug-in manages networked sensors that accurately monitor fill levels in public space bins or commercial bins, to provide alerts to waste services providers. Automated collection scheduling and routing for drivers saves time and helps councils prevent waste from spilling out in the public spaces, and into drains, rivers and waterways.

Automated Incident Management (AIM)

The AIM plug-in capability tracks vehicles and incidents in real-time, and helps you manage remote incidents, assets and resources wherever they are located and in an automated manner.


Ideal for road authorities, emergency services, and incident response, AIM provides clear visibility over incidents as they occur in real-time with live video, GPS tracking and incident recording while improving team and asset safety out in the field.

Bushfire Detection & Management

An emergency management solution that uses spatial video technology to locate, detect and track fire, lightning, plumes and hotspots in real-time, via an extensive camera network.

The technology reduces the need for manual analysis of multiple information sources during a crisis, providing organisations such as emergency service operators with quicker and more accurate intelligence to support on-the-ground responses. Helping protect people, property and the environment.


Know the location of anything you can see or point at in the real world using Spatialeye™ (due for release late 2020).  EYEfi's patented technology turns Smartphones, wearable computing devices, UAVs and other platforms into powerful geo-targeting and information gathering nodes; augmented reality re-imagined. Connecting with the world around you in an entirely new way.

connecting people and devices with the world around them in ways not previously possible


Custom tapered ultrasonic sensor cones for optimal performance


CAT-M1 network support

IP67, Polycarbonate case with elastomer rubber over-mold, 2 x 3.6V lithium batteries   


Industrial design, operational temperature of  -20 to +60 deg 



Spatially enabling imagery in an entirely new way

Imagine knowing the location of anything you can see in the real world, simply by pointing a camera at it!

EYEfi SPARC turns live video and static images into interactive objects that you can query for geographical information, by simply touching or clicking on the image. 

This is transformational technology that will change the way we use imagery, forever.

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